In this modern era most of the people have heard about Internet or known about it. Only some of the people have never heard of internet, however most of them have either used the internet occasionally or frequently. To know that the internet has attracted an enormous amount of attention past few years it does not take time to know about internet.
what would be the cause of thousands of companies millions of people and virtually every majors countries investing millions of dollars into internet?what truly is all this fuss about?
They say that its because of the speed of wide variety of information's found on the net and it is easy to access and publish information's on the internet.
BENEFITS: The internet speed vast resources and its ability to directly communicate with others around the world. Internet uses the quickness of computers to transmit its data, information can travel at tremendous speed. The inter sues hundreds of thousands of computers all connected to each other to store vast amount of information. And because the internet allows for individuals to have specific electronic mail address, people can easily communicate with one another from any corner of the world.
Internet is considered by many to be superior to the best and biggest libraries in the country. Internet ability to deliver this vast amount of information has drawn even more users. Instead of reading a medical breakthrough in next month's journal, it can be published on the internet instantly. Breaking news events can be published almost immediately after the event occurs. People don't have to wait until the morning paper to read about an event. Part of this internet has helped to make the internet a technological breakthrough.
How did the internet begin?
The history of Internet is not complicated not that long. 25years ago the internet began as an experiment of U.S Defense Department. The fact it was not originally designed for the public's personal use. Originally the goal of the internet was establish a system to safeguard the exchange information among different government agencies in the event war. Without a computer or person controlling the internet, the enemy could not destroy means of communication with just one military strike. Today this unique features of the internet remains constant and part of its success. No one person or organization controls or heads the internet. It is basically hosted by thousands of individual computer have registered with NSF(National Science Foundation) for an Internet address.
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